19 June 2018

How to Protect Your Car in Case of Floods

Rain remains an inevitable external element, able to damage your car, especially during snowmelt, a reccuring problem in last few years in Quebec.

What to do if you car is stuck in the flood?

If your vehicle is caught in the flood, think about your safety first, and don’t venture into the streets if the current is too strong and could put you in danger. If you have the opportunity, try to preserve all important documents that you could keep in you car, such as insurance contracts, registration, etc. This will make your life easier once the flood is over!

Reflexes to have in case of flood

In case of floods or heavy rains, you must stay abreast of news while delaying driving as much as possible. In addition, you must respect the indications of the authorities, such as blocked roads. It will also be necessary to avoid approaching flooded streets. If it is possible, park your vehicle on an elevated site, outside the flood zones, to prevent it from being washed away.

Be safe

Remember to analyze your route before leaving and avoid flooded areas, to avoid hazards and damages to your car. In addition, remember to check the condition of your brakes if they are exposed to water.