10 September 2018

Which color of cars reflects your personality?

In one way or another, the color of the car is often linked to the personality of the person who owns it.

Is this the case between you and your car? Find out if your personality is featured in the four most popular car colors.


People who drive white cars have always been considered to have a pure heart. A sign of refinement, honesty, and discretion, the white car is synonymous with a humble and orderly person.


The people who drive black cars are mysterious, authoritarian, elegant and discreet.


They characterize people who love danger; they are bold, brave and reckless people.


Preferred by calm and charismatic people. People that drive blue cars are cautious and very thoughtful.


Gray, like black, refers to elegance, calm and discretion.

So, what’s the car color that fits your personality?