Studded Tires: Are They Worth It?
In Quebec, it is possible to install studded tires on your vehicle between October 15 and May 1. These tires give you better grip on the road when the road is icy, preventing you from slipping.
Are these types of tires worth it?
Source: Liquipneus
Where are they accepted?
First, it’s important to know that studded tires are not accepted everywhere, since studs can damage asphalt. Indeed, it is for example prohibited to drive in the United States with this type of tires, so if you cross the border often, they would not be ideal for you.
Several private parkings and co-owned buildings also prohibit vehicles with studded tires.
Source: RPMWeb
How do you use your vehicle in winter?
Studded tires are noisier and less efficient on clear or wet surfaces, so they are less suitable for city drivers. Plus, they’ll increase your gas consumption!
On the other hand, if you live in a rural area and often have to drive on icy roads, or have to drive up or down steep slopes regularly, they can greatly help you in your daily life.
Source: Rezulteo
How much do they cost?
As you might expect, studded tires are more expensive than standard winter tires, so make sure you really need them before buying them. On average, they are between 10 and 20% more expensive than standard models.